Loving yourself is essential for good mental health, we love and give value to others but forget to appreciate our own selves.” – Himansh Kohli

You are currently viewing Loving yourself is essential for good mental health, we love and give value to others but forget to appreciate our own selves.” – Himansh Kohli

One thing that the difficult times of Covid have taught us is to take care of both our mental and physical health. Himansh Kohli talks about the importance of mental well being. The Yaariyan actor says that mental health means everything to him.
“We do so much to keep our mind at peace, to keep ourselves satiated, full of life, etc., all of it contributes to a good mental health,” he continues on how people mostly take care of their physical health but ignore issues of the mind, “People ignore their feelings, leave it unattended and keep suffering inside. We should encourage people to take a day off if they are not feeling it because a person is a lot more productive when he/she is in a good mental state. We often say, ignore it, don’t think about it, but that’s the wrong way to go. Process what you’re feeling, give it time and once you’re done, don’t revisit it ever again.”

About what he thinks is important for good mental health, the Delhi born actor adds, “Loving yourself is the most important thing. We love and give value to others but forget to appreciate our own selves. In fact, a lot of people hate themselves for their shortcomings; this creates a toxic environment, and one can never thrive in such an environment. We must give priority to ourselves before others and spend time with ourselves, when we are not doing anything or thinking about anyone else.”
Many opine that people from the entertainment industry are often targeted when it comes to depression and anxiety. Himansh reacts, “Celebrities are targeted for all the various notorious reasons in the world. We are not spared, be it any topic. But, I deal with it head on. I don’t pay heed to the negativity. I am aware about everything that is being talked about me, but I don’t let it affect it. I know who I am. I also don’t take things to heart and process criticism and appreciation practically rather than emotionally.

But does he feel that people associated with showbiz go through more stress than any other industry? “I can’t say it for sure because I have not been in anyone else’s shoes. But, as far as it seems, we are subjected to a whole lot of negativity. More so because we come across more people than an average person, and more the people, more are the perspectives,” he shares. On days he feels low, there are things that the actor engages into to regain peace of mind. “I talk to my parents, friends, and a lot of times talk to Donut (my dog). I also like to go for a drive when I want to be by myself,” he adds.


