Every celebrity supports one cause or the other just by their mere presence or by attending events. However, there are hardly a few of them who are going out there and doing real field work. Mreenal Deshraj shares her viewpoint on the same.
“I think everyone should play to their strengths. If there are people who have time and energy to be involved at the grass-roots level of different initiatives, they should do that. If there are people who have that type of influence that will highlight those initiatives, they should do that. Everyone does their bit, and that is how the wheel keeps turning and the world benefits. I don’t think anyone should be spiteful of someone else’s success nor should anyone look down on those who work hard at the grassroot level,” says Mreenal, known for TV shows such as Naagin and Ishqbaaz.
If every celebrity supports a specific cause and constantly works on the field, then they can influence a lot more people to join in. And, together, it would make a huge impact because just donating money or attending an event or doing PR does not really make a difference.
“I agree that if a celebrity supports a cause it makes a big difference in terms of creating awareness. Sure, putting in the work is the best, but it may not be practical. Therefore, the least a celebrity can do is create awareness and that awareness will draw the right minds and hearts to support the cause,” she adds.
An Effective way to bring about a change, according to Mreenal, is education. “We should educate ourselves so that we are armed with factual and relevant information. Then we should evaluate what actions we are capable of and which actions can have the biggest impact on the cause. After that it is all about efficient execution,” she says.
There are many causes that are close to Mreenal’s heart. “I am a staunch advocate of organ donation. When we leave this life there are things like our eyes, our kidneys, our heart etc. that we can give to others, which will change their whole life. To ignore such a gift would be a tragedy therefore I embrace these causes. In fact, I am a registered and certified organ donor myself. After my death, I want my organs to be utilized to their fullest to help as many people as possible. It brings me a great sense of satisfaction that even in my death in the future I will be able to change lives of those in need,” she ends.