One of our favourites the super gorgeous Deepika Padukone is as articulate as one can get. In a throwback interview, Deepika elucidates her opinion on equal pay, her many milestones, adversities and more.
You’ve gone from strength to strength, conquered all kinds of adversities and challenges with a lot of dignity, and have reached the top. When you look at your journey, how do you feel?
Honestly, I am actually not the kind of person who looks behind and clings to the past. I don’t do post-mortems on what I have done or got. I think being an athlete has taught me to always look ahead. Yes, of course, I do think back at times but only in a positive way. You learn from all the good things you’ve done and see how you can do things better. And if one has made any mistakes along the way, you also try and rectify them or reflect on them. But then again, I don’t dwell on the past too much – whether it’s the good or the bad. It’s actually a conscious decision that I’ve made to always stay in the present and not think too much about the future – maybe the immediate future, yes, but not into the horizon. I’m someone who is learning too. I wouldn’t say I do it in the best way yet. But I do try! But I always live in the moment and in the present. Although I do feel it is necessary to look back and appreciate what I’ve achieved. So once in a while, I do look back, and pat myself on the back. I think one should cut oneself some slack, So, I guess I am doing that as well.
Fabulous, Deepika, you’ve conquered Bollywood – you’re the topmost actress at the moment. You’ve also cemented your name in Hollywood, and even been heralded as one of the world’s highest paid actresses. Everything you touch is turning into gold. What’s the secret?
(Laughs) Honestly, I don’t think there is any secret. If there is any so-called mantra that I always follow or live by is what my father always told me as a young girl. He said, ‘Just focus on enjoying what you do and do what you’re enjoying. And everything else will follow’. And honestly, I think what drives me is my passion for my work, my passion to excel in everything I do. For me, being mediocre is not okay. When I take on something, I like to give it my best and I think being driven by creativity and challenges, works for me! And speaking of Hollywood, let me say, I am not charmed by Hollywood, I am charmed by creativity.
“I’ve had my set of challenges or shortcomings that I’ve had to work on and overcome.”

Some people think success has been served on a silver platter to you. You were a supermodel, once you stepped into stardom, you became a super actress, your journey seems too easy… What do you have to say about that?
Well, I would beg to differ. I’d say only the people who are on that journey will understand what my journey is about. This is actually something new that I’ve heard. I think people are aware of the fact that it hasn’t been easy. I think everyone has their struggles and everyone has to work hard in different ways, different aspects, and avenues to achieve what they want to achieve. In my case, my journey is very different from what somebody else’s path or journey has been. I’ve had my set of challenges or shortcomings that I’ve had to work on and overcome. … And maybe some challenges… I am still working on.
“At a time when equal pay or equal wage is something that is so spoken about, so this kind of validation is extremely important to me.”
You’ve been listed as the one of world’s richest actress by Forbes. How do you feel about that?
(Laughs) Let me put it this way. I do feel a sense of… I’d say gratification or a sense of accomplishment. But at the same time, I am also happy that it is not a result of something that I focused my energies towards. If that was my ambition, then I’d be like, ‘Okay, that’s what I focused my energies towards and the result is this!’ And I think that I just went about doing what I believe in or what I enjoy doing the most – and something like (being listed by Forbes) was not even on my radar. But it’s important this sort of financial validation happens. When I say validation, it’s because it is so necessary especially at a time when equal pay or equal wage is something that is so spoken about, so this kind of validation is extremely important to me. I am not going to brush it aside, or not acknowledge it. Of course, I am going to own it and acknowledge it. But I appreciate the fact that it has happened as a result of my work and not as a result of focusing only on that.